Shelter upgrades 2021

TSAS has had a very busy year so far with many exciting renovations and updates.  Thank you to Mr. Shed of Huachuca City for the beautiful new rodent-proof storage shed.  Echo Strada Construction of Tombstone for the finishing and electrical work.  All was made possible by a local donor who asked us for a project he could fund.  This made it possible to remove the mouse-infested trailer in front of the shelter. We also were able to have guillotine doors installed in the remaining dog kennels.  Thanks to other donors, we replaced all the kennels’ dog flaps.  These two improvements will help the heating and cooling in the main shelter.  But that isn’t all we got to do with the large donation.  The kitten room also got a large new play tree and play shelving on the wall, which is still being tweaked. We are working on some upgrades to the cat room as well.  Our new policy is to let the kittens/cats out of their kennels all day and only contained them at night.  This allows for better socialization/ mental and physical stimulation. We will have the gate from play yard #4 moved for better access.  We are so thankful for this donation and to the construction companies and our team of volunteers that worked diligently installing, painting, and hauling to get this new project completed.

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